
Security Service

All our systems are security certificated.

We review security on all systems regularly and take guidance from Penn test results.

Web Design &
Web Development

Web Design &
Web Development

Our objective is to create systems which are easy to use and benefit your business.


Data Integration

Edatachase can bring your company together, and your customers closer, working for common goals.

Mobile &

Mobile Systems

Our systems are designed to work on any mobile device with:

Android, Windows 8, iOS

Support & Services

Support & Services

Edatachase response time is immediate in working hours.

Although our working times are 8 AM to 6 PM weekdays.

Contacts &

Contacts & Feedback

If you are interested in more info about: Bespoke Data System, Web-site Back-Office, CRM, HR, Business Tools, Logistics, Internet of Things, Risk Management and many others:

Our Services & Features

Why Choose Us?

Edatachase works either directly for companies who have no in-house IT-capability, or for your IT department. Our expertise covers:
SDK / Frameworks and technologies based on Java:
Frameworks / Web Applications and technologies based on PHP:

Customer support and service

Edatachase offers customer support and service directly with our service team. Customer support is integral to all lease fees and covers all system related problems. Although our working times are 8am to 6pm weekdays, if an emergency falls outside this period, we are contactable and will do our best to address any urgent problems out of hours.

Edatachase response time is immediate in working hours. Fix times will vary according to the problem, but we will keep you informed on progress.

We are here to support both our systems and our clients: we don't work unless you do.

Working Partnerships

We always work 'with' our clients rather than 'for' them. Over the time of the development of any given project, we offer full support at the level you want, from working directly to your own specified brief to full consultancy on how to develop software to support your business fully. We want your business to grow from a strong base and to be with you as it grows. We are happy to work with your partners in creating unified information platforms. And with your clients and supplier to create a unified business.

Ownership and leasing

If a bespoke system is built for you, we pass full ownership to you, with the option of your taking up a maintenance and management contract which will include some levels of development.

If you lease an adapted generic system, the monthly payment will cover full use of the system, hosting, maintenance and some development. We will own the system itself (the programming); you own all data you upload into the system. All data is available in CSV download.

Company Policy

Of eDataChase Management for Quality and Information Security

The management of eDataChase is committed to maintain and continually improve the quality of services offered to fully satisfy customers` and partners` requirements. Ensuring information security by protecting information and information systems from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, modification, reading, recording and destruction is a part of the whole company policy and strategy.

The Management team agrees to comply with the applicable laws and other requirements voluntarily adopted and related to the creation of services and protection of information security.

Through this Policy Manual eDataChase takes responsibility to perform the following framework objectives related to the quality and information security:

  1. Meet the requirements of the customers in accordance with the agreed terms and the current legislation. The Company aims to provide contemporary, efficient and qualitative services to meet current and future customers` requirements;
  2. Maintain a team of highly qualified staff and supportive work environment where every employee realises the importance of the actions regarding the quality of services and customer satisfaction;
  3. Maintaining a system of indicators through which the process efficiency is monitored. The degree of customer satisfaction is examined and analysed. The results of these analyses are used to continuous quality improvement;
  4. Ensure responsibility, honesty and strict implementation of the commitments when working with customers and partners;
  5. Strive to implement effective security policies and creating conditions for continuous process management in the company;
  6. Establish a system for information security, that is able to meet always the high expectations of the customers and the specifics of the business;
  7. Create conditions and mechanisms for processes incessancy through continuous identification, analysis, evaluation and treatment of risks related to information assets, implementation of adequate controls, providing legal, technological, technical compliance and security awareness;
  8. Implementation of specialised plans for risk management, work continuity, recovery after incidents, etc .;
  9. Effective and efficient use of appropriate innovation, information, material, human and financial resources, according to the security requirements of all assets;
  10. Providing continuous training, awareness and motivation of staff in the aspect of information security.

For the implementation of its policy and objectives, eDataChase implements and will maintain an Integrated Management Quality and Information Security System corresponding to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 27001: 2013.

eDataChase adopts the process approach for establishing and maintaining the integrated system and implements corrective and preventive actions in emerging inconsistencies. In this regards it performs defining, planning, implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement of all processes that affect the quality of services and information security.

As a head of eDataChase, I declare my engagement and responsibility in the implementation of the announced POLICY OF QUALITY AND INFORMATION SECURITY and in achieving the targets.

Date: 01.10.2015 For eDataChase: Mark Stratford
/General Manager/